Page 18 - Grasp English A2 (Workbook)
P. 18
2 My School, My Life
C. Read the passage. Choose the correct
My favourite person in the world is my cousin, George likes me for a couple of reasons. First, I’m more
George. He is just one month older than me, he 5 nervous / hard-working and I Iearn more quickly than
lives in my town, and we are in the same class at him. That means I can help him with things he doesn’t
school, so we spent a lot of time together. He’s understand. I’m also more 6 active / creative. On wet or
actually very different from me. Maybe that’s cold days, George is terrible. I’m happy to stay in and
why we get on well. He is very 1 active / hard- write stories or draw, but George never wants to do those
working. He likes sport. He’s brilliant at tennis and things. He doesn’t know what to do when he can’t go
football, which I never play, and he loves to go to outside, and he gets really 7 restless / cowardly. But I
the park or go to the swimming pool. I’m naturally think of cool things to do. For example, we make videos
quite 2 creative / lazy, but George gets me out and post them online. George doesn’t think of things like
of my chair, away from my computer screen or that, so he enjoys making these videos with me. We’re
the TV. He’s also really brave, while I’m not really. both 8 lazy / chatty, funny, and we aren’t shy, so we like
George climbs high trees, jumps into lakes and doing that together.
explores the forest near our house at night. I’m I guess we are similar in some ways and different in
more 3 restless / nervous about doing things like others, and that’s good. I don’t want a friend to be really
that, but I do them because I don’t like to look similar to me. That would be terrible! I would never leave
4 chatty / cowardly! my bedroom!