Page 116 - Grasp English B1+ (Student Book)
P. 116
9 Superstars
Grammar 1
Passive voice (simple)
A. Read the passage and answer the
1. Why do you think that permission must
be given for filming in a restaurant?
2. What might go wrong if your film is very
3. How can actors for your film be
You too can be a film director! Using your
phone’s video camera, your film is easily
edited using a phone app. But perhaps
you want it to be more of a project than
just filming a group of friends waving at
the camera.
First, decide on the story and location.
Permission must be given for filming B. Which films do you think these statements are about?
in places like restaurants or shopping
centres, but it’s not needed if you 1. 10, 297 balloons were individually created by the
use a park or a beach or even a busy animators working on this 2009 film in which a house
street. Just be careful – when your film is lifted away.
is winning awards and is being seen all 2. The cartoon image of a poor boy who becomes a
over the world, you could be sued for a prince (and also shares the name of this Disney film)
lot of money by people who appeared is based on Tom Cruise.
in the background as a street scene was 3. In the last of a series of films, the stunt double of the
being shot! main character was paralysed after an accident in
You’ll need actors for your film. You could which he was flying on a broomstick.
advertise for them on your social media.
You’ll be surprised how many people C. Match these rules about the passive voice.
want to join in even when they’re not 1. We use the passive voice when
being paid.
2. To make the passive voice, we use
3. When we want to say
4. We often use the passive voice
a. the appropriate form of the verb be and the past
b. the person doing the verb is unknown or
c. to talk about processes.
d. who performed the verb, we use by.