Page 5 - Grasp English B1+ (Student Book)
P. 5
reading vocabulary grammar 1 listening grammar 2 language skills speaking writing CLIL page
the meaning appearances
UNIT 1 of beauty and simple/ conversation: discussion:
LOOKING in different describing present discussing adverbs of manner beauty contests opinion essay 5
AWESOME continuous/ celebrities
THEME cultures people stative verbs describing and
1 comparing people
easy ways conversation:
UNIT 2 to learn language comparison secondary school intensifiers role play: blog entry history: 17
English language vs.
KEEP IN TOUCH a foreign vocabulary adjectives and learning a new your mother tongue the Sumerians
language language
UNIT 3 personality modal conversation: discussion:
QUICK- life as a teen adjectives verbs 1 planning a surprise modal verbs 2 feelings and emotions expository essay 31
THEME TEMPERED birthday party expressions with
2 UNIT 4 teenagers’ collocations: conversation: repeated words psychology:
SENSES AND problem feelings and quantifiers expressing indirect questions discussion: magazine article emotional 43
different types of films
EMOTIONS letters emotions happiness intelligence
UNIT 5 weird crime crime simple past conversation: talking about past
A MYSTERIOUS stories vocabulary vs. past police officer- past perfect simple events narrative essay 57
CASE continuous citizen dialogue lack of
THEME understanding
3 the most and asking for
UNIT 6 haunted spooky prefer / discussion: used to/get used to/ clarification talking about scary story writing history: 69
GHOST STORIES places in the adjectives would rather ghost stories be used to films Magna Carta
the first past simple
UNIT 7 holiday with hotel vs present conversations: present perfect dialogue: a terrible descriptive essay 83
EXPERIENCES vocabulary weekend plans continuous holiday
friends perfect talking about plans,
THEME predictions and
4 the future discussion: dialogue: science:
UNIT 8 a letter to me emotions continuous, the future of future perfect tense experiences predictions about the an email energy and 95
EXPECTATIONS in the future vocabulary future education future electricity
passive role play:
UNIT 9 biography of fame voice planning a wrap definite/indefinite interviewing a a TV series review 109
SUPERSTARS Rami Malek vocabulary party articles
THEME (simple) making requests celebrity
UNIT 10 amazing sport/talent second discussion: role play: art:
ERA OF THE adolescent vocabulary conditional strange talents of gerunds & infinitives asking for and giving a magazine article film and TV 121
GIFTED athletes people advice formats & genres
robotics &
UNIT 11 artificial technology clauses: podcast: passive voice: agreeing, tech review: persuasive essay 135
ROBOTICS intelligence defining & inventions modals disagreeing your ideal smartphone
THEME vocabulary non-defining and expressing
6 disappointment
inventions recording: questionnaire:
UNIT 12 and invention- third the life of a British reported speech dialogue: the importance of science: 147
REGRETS related words conditional expressing regrets Mechatronics
discoveries palaeontologist AI and its use