Page 4 - Grasp English B1 (Student Book)
P. 4
reading vocabulary grammar 1 listening language skills grammar 2 speaking writing CLIL page
UNIT 1 how to make simple/ three new people role play: components of
BEING new friends friendship present introducing adverbs introducing people a paragraph 5
THEME SOCIABLE continuous/ themselves introducing using role cards
1 stative verbs yourself and others
UNIT 2 family phrasal verbs: comparison a radio programme: role play: comparison geography:
FAMILY AND types and relations of adjectives the largest family in modifiers introducing your friends paragraph Canada 17
FRIENDS personalities the UK to family members
UNIT 3 the first day must/have conversation: modals: role play:
RULES AT at summer education to/need to meeting new friends can/could small talk blog entry 31
THEME SCHOOL school mustn’t/can’t at a school club starting be able to
and ending
UNIT 4 school lunch strong countable & conversation: a conversation question tags/ role play: opinion maths:
IN THE SCHOOL menus around adjectives uncountable teenagers’ eating question types your favourite meal paragraph measurements 45
CANTEEN the world /quantifiers habits (metric vs imperial)
modals: conversation: discussion:
UNIT 5 how to avoid body should/had a gym trainer- modals: may, might advantages of playing pros-cons 61
WORKOUTS obesity movements paragraph
better teenager dialogue team sports
THEME making
3 monologue: preferences role play:
UNIT 6 popular extreme sports passive professional clauses of contrast being an adrenaline instruction text PE: 75
SPORTS CLUBS extreme sports inspirations voice preferences of an seeker kitesurfing
extreme sportsperson
present role play:
UNIT 7 diaries of an nature perfect vs discussion: present perfect summer or winter informal email 89
THE BIOSPHERE explorer travelling experiences talking about continuous
THEME past simple experiences holiday?
4 eco-friendly conversation:
UNIT 8 products you environment will vs be the importance of and plans clauses of result role play: recycling complaint science: 101
PLANET EARTH going to and reusing email the water cycle
should buy recycling
UNIT 9 meeting my entertainment past simple conversation: role play: personal
FUN AND favourite and media vs past your favourite type of past perfect a board game night with anecdote 115
THEME GAMES heroine continuous games telling stories your family members
and personal
5 UNIT 10 adjectives discussion: anecdotes relative clauses: dialogue: history:
JOKES AND need a ending in articles what about a defining & about a time you funny story ancient Chinese 127
STORIES -ed/-ing controversial joke non-defining felt fed up inventions
the best conversation:
UNIT 11 birthday party events and first inviting people second conditional role play: invitation card 141
GATHERINGS celebrations conditional planning a party
THEME ideas ever for a ceremony expressing your
6 discussion: opinion conversation:
UNIT 12 a holiday collocations gerund & teens using reported speech suggesting things to do film review music: 153
MERRYMAKING in Japan with go infinitives panpipes
technology on the weekend