Page 63 - Grasp English B2 (Workbook)
P. 63

6       Eating Habits


            A. Discuss with a partner.
               1. What fresh fruit and vegetables can you see in the picture?

               2. How often do you eat them?
               3. Which are your favourite fruit and vegetables?

            B.  Discuss with a partner.
               1. Why do companies and individuals carry out questionnaires?
               2. Why do they often ask about a person’s age, gender and ethnicity?

                                                 Five-a-day Questionnaire

            1.  Which five of these fruits and vegetables do    2.  What percentage of your diet would you say
               you eat regularly?                                  consists of fruit and vegetables? (tick one)

                    avocado       peas                                   less than 10%
                    cabbage       salad                                  10% – 25%
                    cherries      spinach                                 25% – 50%
                    cucumber      strawberries                            more than 50%
                    grapes        mango, other __________

            3.  Do you usually eat five portions of fruit and   4.  Circle the correct option.
               vegetables every day?
                                                                   Gender  Male         Female   Prefer not to say
                    yes            no                              Age         under–18  18–35   35–65  65–plus

            5.  To what extent do you agree with these statements?

                                                                            disagree            agree

                                                                           0     1    2    3    4    5

                 Fruit and vegetables are cheap where I live.

                 Which fruit and vegetables I eat depends a lot on the season.

                 I’m happy with the amount of fruit and vegetables I eat.

           C.  Write your own questionnaire on one of the      D.  Use your questionnaire to interview ten people.
              following topics. Use a variety of question types.  Discuss the results with a partner. Then work in
                                                                 a group of four and discuss these questions.
              • favourite places to eat
              • popular cuisines                                 1. How successful was your questionnaire?
              • celebrity diets                                  2. What changes would you make to make it more
              • healthy eating
                                                                 3. Did the people you interviewed respond as you
                                                                    were expecting?
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