Page 29 - Grasp English C1 (Student Book)
P. 29
Lıterature 2
C. Read about the current trends in literature. Find D. Complete the paraphrase of the first two texts
synonyms for the words and phrases below in using suitable link words or phrases.
the texts.
a. There are a number of growing trends in
1. considering
literature today. , Romantic
2. because of
comedies are becoming more popular.
3. increasing
the success of this genre in
4. diversion
film and television.
5. acceptance
b. , there is an increase in
6. fashion
diversity, not only among published authors
7. for sale
but also among the characters portrayed
8. include
in stories. an increase in
9. viewpoint acceptance and understanding towards
10. becoming more popular marginalised groups such as the disabled.
a. One current trend is that editors are giving
more attention to romantic comedies than in the
past. This might be due to the growing popularity
of rom-com films and series on the Internet, or
it might just be happy-go-lucky escapism.
Whatever the reason, the genre is definitely on
the rise, both in adult and teen fiction.
b. Diversity is definitely a growing trend in books.
Whereas, in the past, the literary world was
dominated by white, physically able authors
writing about white, physically able characters, E. Work in pairs. Paraphrase paragraphs c and d,
nowadays we are beginning to hear the voices using synonyms from exercise C and tips from
of multicultural and marginalised authors, like the the box below.
disabled and so on, and that will go a long way
towards increasing tolerance. “Paraphrasing” is using your own words to give
the meaning of another person’s speech or text.
It is an important skill for essay writing and any
c. With the world in political turmoil, there is an kind of job that involves writing, as it is against
increasing number of books on the market – both the law to copy another person’s words and
fiction and non-fiction – that reflect, question claim them as your own.
and defy the current economic, political, social
and environmental climate. These encompass
everything from conspiracies and thrillers to the Tips for Paraphrasing
apocalyptic effects of a climate or immigration 1. Change the choice of words.Use a thesaurus
induced disaster. to find synonyms.
2. Change the structure of the sentence.Use
d. Crime has always been popular, but in the past, different link words to link ideas in a new way.
it has usually been written from the perspective of 3. Change the order in which the information
a detective or police agent. Now, there is a growing appears in the sentence.
desire to get into the minds of the criminals, and
the result is an increasing number of chilling,
psychological thrillers. Similarly, non-fiction books
on the topic of true crime are gaining popularity.