Page 4 - Journeys A2 (Student Book)
P. 4


                                                      reading      vocabulary      grammar 1          listening                 language skills      grammar 2            speaking              writing               CLIL          page

                                                  a day in the life
                                  UNIT 1          of an exchange   daily routines  present simple  conversation:              asking about and   present simple vs   role play:           blog entry:                              5
                                                                                                                                                                     birthdays of your
                                                                                                                                                                                          daily routine of
                                  DAY-TO-DAY      student in                                     the exam schedule            telling the date   present continuous
                         THEME                                                                                                                                       classmates           a student
                                  UNIT 2                                                                                                                             discussion:
                                  MY SCHOOL,      my favourite    personality    possessive      questionnaire:               asking for and     adverbs of manner   the traits of a good   poster:            IT:                 19
                                  MY LIFE         teachers        adjectives     pronouns        friendship                   giving opinions                        friend               your best friends    social networking

                                  UNIT 3                                         comparative                                                                         role play: comparison  descriptive text:
                                                  detached        furniture &                    conversation:                                   superlative forms
                                  HOME SWEET      house vs flat   appliances     forms of        your dream house             comparing places   of adjectives       of two parts of your   your grandparents’                     35
                         THEME    HOME                                           adjectives                                                                          house                house
                                  UNIT 4          cooking         ways of                        phone                                                               role play:           completing a text:   science:
                                  COOKING AND     techniques      cooking        articles        conversations:               ordering phrases   quantifiers         ordering lunch       café menu            food types          49
                                  BAKING                                                         ordering food                                                       at a café

                                                  life at school                                 a radio programme:
                                  UNIT 5                                                                                                                             role play:
                                                  in Marie’s                                     memories of                  talking about                                               informal email:
                                  THOSE WERE      grandparents’   school         simple past     a 100-year-old               the past           used to/could       a grandparent-       your childhood habits                    63
                         THEME    THE DAYS                                                                                                                           grandchild dialogue
                                                  time                                           woman
                                  UNIT 6          the boring      collocations:                  podcast:                                        past simple vs past   role play:         report:              history:
                                  TALES AND       weekend         do or make     past continuous  a scary night               telling a story    continuous          reordering and       an accident          Industrial Revolution   77
                                  STORIES                                                        in town                                                             completing a story

                                  UNIT 7          tips for saving                obligation      conversation:                                                       role play:           quiz:
                                  SAVING          money           money          and lack of     buying a birthday            shopping phrases   advice              clothes shopping     your friends’ shopping                   93
                         THEME    CHALLENGE                                      obligation      present                                                                                  habits
                                  UNIT 8          online                                         conversation:                agreeing and                           role play:                                IT:
                                  BUYING AND      shopping        internet       gerunds         shopping trends of           disagreeing        infinitives         online shopping vs   product review       coding and robotics  107
                                  SELLING                                                        the millennials              phrases                                in-store shopping

                                  UNIT 9          popular water                                  a pre-game                   talking about                          discussion:          blog entry: your
                                  GAMES AND       sports          sports         zero conditional  motivational               possibilities      first conditional   favourite games      favourite sportsperson                   123
                         THEME    SPORTS
                                                                                                 a TV show:                                                          role play:           internet forum
                                  UNIT 10         health and      health         passive voice:   an interview with           expressing         prefer/would rather  common health       message:             PE:                 137
                                  LOOK ALIVE!     hygiene (quiz)                 simple                                       preferences                                                                      netball
                                                                                                 a hairstylist                                                       problems             how to avoid the flu

                                                                                                 conversation:                                                       role play:
                                  UNIT 11         fun activities to   entertainment  be going to    places to have fun        inviting phrases   present continuous   a conversation about   text message: making                  153
                                  ENJOYING LIFE   do in Istanbul                 vs will                                                         for future meaning                       an appointment
                         THEME                                                                   in your town                                                        freetime activities
                            6                                                                    interview:                                      present perfect vs   role play:          brochure:
                                  UNIT 12         a diary of      nature         present perfect  experiences of              doing interviews   present simple and   an interview with    natural park school   geography:        167
                                  ATTRACTIONS     an explorer                                                                                                                                                  New Zealand
                                                                                                 a young explorer                                past simple         a lifeguard          trip about hometown
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