Page 28 - Journeys B1+ (Workbook)
P. 28
Quick-Tempered 3
C. Read the text and answer the following questions. E. Find an abstract picture and prepare your
own personality test for it. Decide if you
1. How many pictures do you usually see when you
take an online personality test? want to focus on the colours, what a person
sees or how it makes them feel. Choose
2. Why do you think the writer uses the word six responses and write a short personality
magically in the second paragraph?
blurb for each response.
3. What personality trait does the text suggest seeing
a landscape represents? Why?
4. What type of person might large companies be
looking for?
5. Why do you think the writer suggests being patient
is good when working with children?
6. Why does the writer say these types of tests can be
7. What example of a personality test from literature
does the writer provide?
8. What do you think the phrase take everything you
read with a pinch of salt means?
D. Some adjectives can be used in both the –ed and
–ing form. The –ed form is used to describe a
person’s current state, e.g. I’m sitting in class, and
I’m bored. The –ing form can be used to describe
a situation (School is boring) or a personality
trait (My uncle never goes out – he’s so boring).
Complete the questions with the correct option.
1. What school subject do you find most confused /
2. Who is the most annoyed / annoying person in
your family?
3. Do you follow the news, or do you find it too
depressed / depressing? F. Discuss with a partner.
4. What do you do when you feel overwhelmed / 1. How often do you take these types of tests
overwhelming at school? online? Do you usually agree with the
5. When in your life have you been most results?
embarrassed / embarrassing? 2. How would you feel if your school
6. What’s the most frustrated / frustrating thing about introduced a house system and
being a teen? categorised students?