Page 16 - Grasp English B2 (Grammar Book)
P. 16

2       Career

                                                            F.  Scan the text and find the articles and
                                                               determiners. Then put them in the correct

                                                              Social media is now a part of our daily life. Millions of
                                                              people use different social networks like Facebook,
            E.  Complete the sentences with the correct       Twitter,  Instagram,  or YouTube. A  lot of  people  love
                                                              using  these  networks,  but  some  people  think  that
                1.   I drank               water because      they are harmful to us. Below are some of the
                  it was very hot yesterday.
                                                              benefits and harms of social networks.
                2.    There isn’t             tea in my
                                                              Let’s start with the benefits of social networking sites.
                                                              First of all, you can easily find some old friends, and
                3.   Is there              lemonade in
                                                              you can make new friends on social media. Another
                  the refrigerator or a little?
                                                              advantage is that you can be a member of groups
                4.    I have              books on
                                                              which have the same interests as you. Another useful
                  cooking in my library because I like
                                                              thing about these networks is free advertising. You
                                                              can advertise or buy new products. You can also
                5.   I need               sugar to make
                                                              sell used products and save a lot of money. Lastly,
                  a cake.
                                                              you can use Twitter and YouTube and easily get all
                6.    Nancy doesn’t know
                                                              the latest news from around the world.
                  people here.
                                                              One disadvantage of social media is the possibility
                7.   There is              milk in the
                  bottle.                                     of fake identity. You do not really see people on social
                                                              media. There is no face-to-face communication so
                8.   I need to buy               oil
                                                              people can easily use fake names and pictures or
                  because there isn’t                 in
                  the kitchen.                                lie about their identity.  Another problem is online
                                                              theft. A hacker can steal your personal information,
                9.   There are               pens and
                  pencils in my bag.                          and your money from your bank account or credit
                                                              card. The last problem with social media is wasting
              10.   We don’t have                 friends
                                                              time. We spend hours on social networks and do not
                  in our new neighbourhood. I have only a
                  few new friends.                            produce anything. Games, chats, and other small
                                                              activities take a lot of time.

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