Page 4 - Journeys B2 (Student Book)
P. 4


                                                                reading          vocabulary           grammar                              listening         language skills       speaking            writing            CLIL         page

                                           UNIT 1          discover your                                                            podcast:                                  role play:
                                           IDENTITY AND    identity as an      identity        revision of verb tenses              tips for a better job                     defining your        opinion essay                      5

                                  THEME    PERSONALITY     adolescent                                                               interview                 job interview   personality
                                    1                                                                                               conversation:
                                           UNIT 2          the hardest jobs    professions     articles & determiners               employer-employee                         role play:           resumé           art:              17
                                           CAREER                                                                                                                             a job interview                       being a stuntman

                                           UNIT 3          a vacation in the   vacation        present modals                       a local seller and                        role play: buying    travel blog                        31
                                           TIME OFF        Greek islands                                                                                                      some souvenirs
                                  THEME                                                                                             a tourist                polite requests
                                    2                                                                                                                                         role play:
                                           UNIT 4          being a flight      flight          perfect modals                       airline announcement:                     a flight attendant-  thank you        science:          43
                                           DEPARTURES      attendant                                                                safety briefing                                                email            aeronautics
                                                                                                                                                                              passenger dialogue

                                           UNIT 5          street food vs                      future perfect vs future             TV programme: hosting                     role play:           restaurant
                                           CUISINES AND    restaurant food     food            continuous                           a famous chef                             first cooking        review                             59
                                           DISHES                                                                                                              agreeing &     experience
                                  THEME                                                                                                                       disagreeing
                                    3                                          adjectives                                                                                     role play:                            science:
                                           UNIT 6          healthy eating      describing      gerunds vs infinitives               discussion:                 phrases       an interview about   questionnaire    human digestive   71
                                           EATING HABITS                                                                            eating disorders
                                                                               taste                                                                                          healthy eating                        system

                                                                                                                                                                              role play:
                                           UNIT 7          child prodigies     education       reported speech:                     conversation:                             alternative high     research paper                     85
                                           ACADEMICS                                           commands                             schools for newcomers       clarifying                         outline
                                                                                                                                                               and further    school programmes
                                  THEME                                                                                                                       elaborating
                                    4      UNIT 8                                                                                                               a point       conversation:                         history:

                                           TAKING A        ways of learning a   collocations:   reported speech:                    role play:                  of view       a freshman-          cause & effect   the oldest        97
                                                                                               requests and questions
                                                           foreign language
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    university in the
                                                                                                                                    enrolling in a course
                                           COURSE                                                                                                                             professor dialogue
                                           UNIT 9          film vs theatre/    cinema          wish clauses: present/               shooting your own                         role play:           film review                        109
                                           SILVER SCREEN   stage vs screen                     past                                                                           playing charades
                                  THEME                                                                                             short film                interrupting
                                    5                                                          conditionals/                        conversation:               phrases
                                           UNIT 10         being a party       phrasal verbs:   mixed conditionals/                 a bride-to-be – mother                    role play:           blog entry       art:              119
                                           EVENTS          planner             party                                                                                          apologising                           location scouting
                                                                                               conditional clauses                  dialogue
                                           UNIT 11                             animal body                                          discussion:                               discussion:          completing
                                           BELOVED         favourite pets      parts           as if/as though                      adopting a pet                            a lost cat case      a story                            133
                                           ONES                                                                                                               talking about
                                  THEME                                                                                                                          beliefs
                                    6                                                                                                                                         discussion:                           science:
                                           UNIT 12         The devastating     habitat         participle clauses                   monologue:                 & opinions     weird facts about    report           extinction of     145
                                           BIONOMICS       palm oil industry                                                        endangered species
                                                                                                                                                                              animals                               dinosaurs

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