Page 25 - Journeys C1 (Student Book)
P. 25
Lıterature 2
A. Complete the dialogue with a modal verb.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
Alex 1 you be able to help me
You could write to him and explain how you feel. with my English homework sometime this
Use can/could to suggest options. weekend?
You can/could write to her or phone her, or ask Julie What’s the problem?
to meet her in person. Alex We 2 write a poem using
figurative language, but I don’t really
To refer to hypothetical situations understand what figurative language is, and
I 3 start writing a poem
Use would/might to talk about hypothetical
actions in the unreal past or future, often in before I understand that.
conditional sentences. Julie You 4 look online. There
are lots of websites which will help you
I would help you if I had more time.
understand the terms.
He might listen to you if you were a little more
friendly to him. Alex Yes, you’re right, I 5 to
do that. But it 6 be really
I would have come if I’d had more time.
great if you 7 help me. You
explain things so well!
To show habits and refusal Julie Oh, alright. I 8 go into town
Use will (+ keep + verb-ing) to talk about on Saturday morning, but I 9
people’s habits in the present and would to refer be free after that. I 10
to past habits. come to your house at about two o’clock.
Joe will keep talking about his dog! Alex That 11 be fine. My
My granddad would always sing while washing grandparents 12 be at my
up. house then, but that 13 be
a problem.
Use won’t to show habitual refusal.
Julie OK. And 14 I see the
Dominic won’t eat vegetables.
instructions for your assignment?
Alex Yes, hold on. It’s on a piece of paper in my
To show disapproval bag. No, I 15 find it.
Use should/shouldn’t when things are not the I 16 have left it at home.
way you think they should be. No, it 17 be there. I had it in
John should be here, but he is not! the classroom this morning. It
18 still be in the classroom.
Julie You 19 keep losing things!
You really 20 get organised.
I keep telling you to get a folder for each
1. Write the three functions of the modal verbs subject but you 21 do it!
Alex Yes, you’re right, I 22 get
some. Hey, 23 you buy
could some for me on Saturday morning when you
can are in town? I 24 give you
will the money on Saturday afternoon, when
I see you, I promise!
Julie I suppose so!