Page 19 - Ones and Zeros 4 (Workbook)
P. 19

4               Glossary

              Alignment is the position of      Find and Replace means           Paste is to put something copied
              your text on the page.            to look for a word or set        or cut from one place to another.
              AutoSum is a feature              of words and put another         Pie chart is a graph that shows
              used in spreadsheets to           word or set of words in their    values as slices of a circle.
              automatically add the ‘Sum’       place.                           Programme is a set of
              function.                         Footer is the lower part of      instructions that tell a computer
              Backdrop (in Scratch) is          a document which contains        to carry out a task.
              the background of the             information.                     Run is to carry out a programme
              programme we create.              Formula is a command in          on the computer.
              Bar chart is a graph that         a spreadsheet that makes         Script is a set of instructions
              uses bars to show and             specific calculations.           used to make the computer do
              compare values.                   Header is the upper part of      different things.
              Block (in Scratch) is an          a document which contains        Search is what we do when we
              instruction which tells the       information.                     look for a specific file or word.
              computer what to do.              If statement is a computer       Segment is a piece of a pie
              Many blocks form a script,        command that uses a              chart.
              which is a computer               logical test to choose           Speech recognition software
              programme.                        between two possible             is a programme that uses a
              Cell format is the way            results.                         microphone to identify the words
              we change a cell/text’s           Input is anything that goes      we say, using them as commands
              appearance without                ‘in’ the computer. Typing on     to control a computer.
              changing the number/text          the keyboard or clicking the     Sprite is an image on the screen
              itself in a cell.                 mouse is considered input.       which can be controlled by
              Cloud storage is the space        Move is to transfer              a computer programme.
              we use online to store and        something from one place         Sum is a function used in
              access our files.                 to another.                      spreadsheets that calculates
              Computing is when a               Online storage space is          the total value of numbers in
              computer makes different          where you can store and          a specific group of cells.
              calculations.                     access your files online.        Variable is the form data takes
              Copy is to make two of the        Output is anything that          when stored in a computer.
              same items.                       comes ‘out’ of the               Voice commands are words
              Cut is to remove something        computer. Sounds that            we speak into the microphone
              from one place and move it        come out of speakers or          of a computer to control what
              to another place.                 what you see on a screen is      a computer does.

              Data is information that can      considered output.
              be stored in a computer.          Page numbering is the
                                                process of numbering the
              Event (in Scratch) is a block
              that starts the script.           pages of a document.

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