Page 5 - Science Tour KG1
P. 5

Critical thinking                    Keywords                    Interact            Pages

                       Do we all have                     eye, nose,                Let’s make          Lesson 1
                 eyebrows/moustache?                      ear, mouth                   a face!              4-9

                        What do your                      head, neck,                                   Lesson 2
                       hands/fingers                                                 Let’s trace           10-15
                       help you to do?                      arm, leg                  a body!

                  What do you call your                   mum, dad,              My family tree!        Lesson 3
                  dad’s/mum’s brother?                  sister, brother                                   16-21

                                                        snowy, windy,                Draw the           Lesson 4
                   What will you wear?
                                                         sunny, rainy            weather today!           22-27

                    What are different                      dog, cat,               Draw baby           Lesson 5
                  animals covered with?                 bear, chicken                 animals!            28-33

                  Why are some habits                      junk, late,            Healthy food          Lesson 6
                         bad for you?                  unclean, habits                 chart!             34-39
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