Page 5 - Key to Social Studies 1
P. 5

Theme 1:  About Me

    Words to                                                                   Home
  Lesson   Big Question  Let’s Learn  Let’s Think Deeper  Let’s Do                                  Pages
 Know                                                                          Connection
 Respect  How do we  show   respect  What is  respect?  How do I show  good manners at   Heart  Drawing  Respect  Poster   6–13
   respect?  helpful    home?
 excuse me
 please              How do I show  good manners
 thank you           and  respect at school?

 Care  How do we show that   care  What is  care?   How do I show that  I care?  Care  Card   Care  Discussion  14–21
 we care for ourselves   help
 and others?  animals   How can you help if  someone or
 environment           something needs  your care?

 Honesty  How can you  show you  truth   What is  honesty?  How can I be  honest with my   Honesty  Drawing  Detective  Game  22–29
   are honest?  honesty    family and friends?
 rules               Why is it good to be  honest?

 Reading Time: Being a Good Citizen                                                                 30–33

 Responsibility  How can I be    tasks  What is   How can I be  responsible?  Responsibility  Card  Good Citizen   34–41
 &  responsible?  neighborhood    responsibility?                              Detective
 Citizenship   country  How can I be a good citizen?
 How can I be a good   citizenship  What is
 citizen?  responsibility  citizenship?

 Theme 2: My Little World

 My Family  What is a  family?   extended family  Definition of  family   What are the  different roles for   A Family  Drawing  Family  Roles   42–49
 member                family members?                                           Checklist
 house               Why is it important  or family
 home                members  to help and do their

 Reading Time: Families through Time                                                                50–53

 My Friends  Why are  friends  special? friendship  What is  friendship?  Why do we need  friends?  Fill in  the  Fingers  Friendship  Stories  54–61
 relationship        How can I be a good  friend?
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10