Page 130 - Key to Social Studies 4
P. 130
Reasons to Save
There are many reasons why people save Where do we save our money?
money! You could save money in a safe place at
• People save money to buy something home or put it in a bank. You can keep it in
important. By saving money, you could your wallet, or with your parents.
have the amount of money required to Many banks have special accounts for
buy something signi cant or special like a young people. Depositing your savings in
bike or a great computer game. Someday a bank keeps it safe and helps your money
you might be able to pay for your own grow.
apartment or house. How can you help your family save
• People save money to do something money?
special with family or friends. It is a good • Save power. Turn o any unwanted lights
thing to have cash on hand. For example, and electronic devices at home.
you might decide to go to watch a movie • Fix things that are broken if possible
with your friends, and then treat your rather than throwing an item away and
friends to a snack. buying a new one.
• People save money for emergencies or • When you are buying something, look for
something very unexpected. Emergency discounted items rst. Often, less
savings would be helpful if you lost your expensive items will work just ne!
mobile phone, for example, so you would
need to get a new one. Perhaps your pet
unexpectedly became ill and you wanted
to buy a new soft blanket to make it feel
more comfortable.