Page 105 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 105

Assessment     Home Connection

 Self-assessment is a powerful tool to help you evaluate your learning development.
 Use the K-W-L chart below to keep track of your progress.

 K  What I   W  What I Want   L  What I   Dear Parents,

                           As part of our social studies program, your child has been learning about
 to Know
                           the first settlements in the Americas. Your child learned ways that he or
                           she can identify how the first settlers in the Americas developed their
                           cities and their civilization.

                           You can help your child by supporting our classroom learning.

                           Here are some things you can do to reinforce the message of this lesson
                           and our related learning activities.
                                 • Ask your child to tell you about the lesson and what he or she

                                   learned from it.
                                 • Watch a video about the first people who crossed the land bridge

                                   to the Americas.
                                 • Discuss with your child the main things that help any civilization
                                   to begin or to grow.

                                 • Watch with your child videos about Mesoamerica and the Olmec

                           Thank you for being a partner with us
                           in the education of your child!


 Some tribes in South America have no contact with
                            Research has shown that children with involved parents score
 modern civilization.
                            better than others whose parents don't have a role in their
                            education process. Help your child stay brilliant!

 Native American celebration

   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110