Page 4 - Astro Phonics 3 (Student Book)
P. 4
Lesson Letter Phonemic awareness Vocabulary Page
1 ai Blending and segmenting words with sail, bait, rain, pail 6
2 ee Blending and segmenting words with bee, seed, jeep, 8
ee sheep
3 oa Blending and segmenting words with coat, goat, 10
oa loaf, soap
4 HFWs Recognising and practising words that are here, all, out 12
frequently used
Decodable story 14
1 ou Blending and segmenting words with south, mouth, 16
ou shout, pouch
2 oo Blending and segmenting words with boot, moon, 18
oo zoom, noon
3 oi Blending and segmenting words with boil, soil, coin, oil 20
4 HFWs Recognising and practising words that are they, one, put 22
frequently used
Decodable story 24
Blending and segmenting words ending with
1 ie tie, pie, lie, fries 26
Blending and segmenting words ending with fuel, statue,
2 ue 28
ue rescue, barbeque
Blending and segmenting words with eat, sea, read,
3 ea 30
ea beach
4 HFWs Recognising and practising words that are can’t, by, come 32
frequently used
Decodable story 34