Page 7 - Astro Phonics 3 (Student Book)
P. 7
Lesson Letter Phonemic awareness Vocabulary Page
1 oi, oy Blending and segmenting words with toilet, point, join, 88
oi, oy enjoy, loyal, royal
2 ou, ow Blending and segmenting words with loud, out, sour, 90
ou, ow cow, town, down
3 ai, ay Blending and segmenting words with pain, wait, chair, 92
ai, ay away, X-ray, okay
4 HFWs Recognising and practising words that are said, everything, two 94
frequently used
Decodable story 96
Blending and segmenting words ending with value, argue, avenue,
1 ue, ew 98
ue, ew new, few, news
Blending and segmenting words with road, coal, load,
2 oa, ow 100
oa, ow know, slow, follow
3 ee, ea Blending and segmenting words with need, peel, sheet, 102
ee, ea peach, meat, peas
4 HFWs Recognising and practising words that are four, because, bread 104
frequently used
Decodable story 106