Page 97 - Grasp English B2 (Student Book)
P. 97
Academics 7
C. Look at this excerpt from the Background section of
the research paper and how the source is listed in
the bibliography. Answer the questions. Private School State-funded
Education Education
In the past, American students whose first language
was not English were found to underperform
compared to their monolingual, English-speaking D. Imagine you are going to write a
classmates when taught in an English-only research paper about the differences
environment. However, the results of Collier and and similarities between a private-school
Thomas’ study found that after a minimum of four education and a state-funded education.
years, students in the American education system • Brainstorm your ideas about the topic
who had been given a dual-language education using the Venn diagram.
“outperform comparable monolingually schooled • Brainstorm ideas for your thesis
students in academic achievement in all subjects” statement. It should show clearly what
(Collier & Thomas, 2002).
your essay will be about.
Chadwick, T. (2014), Language Awareness in • Find an appropriate quotation to
Teaching: A Toolkit for Content and Language use in your introduction. Note the
Teachers, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, bibliographical details.
pp. 2-4.
Collier, Virginia P. and Thomas, Wayne P. (2002) E. Write the introduction of your research
A National Survey of School Effectiveness for paper following the steps below:
Language Minority Students’ Long-Term Academic • Write the title.
Achievement, Santa Cruz, CA: Crede, p .11.
• Write your essay introduction. Start in an
Romanowski, P. and Jedynak, M. (2019) Current interesting way that makes your reader
research in bilingualism and bilingual education, want to go on reading. Include the
Switzerland: Springer, pp. 8-9. quotation, a definition of the two types
of schools and your thesis statement.
1. When was the study published?
• Write a bibliographical reference that
2. What page does the quote come from? shows where you took your quotation
3. Who published the study? from.