Page 73 - Grasp English B2 (Workbook)
P. 73
7 Academics
A. Discuss with a partner.
1. How popular are alternative energies in your
area? Which do people use?
2. Which alternative energies do you think the
government in your country should invest in?
B. Complete the research paper outline using the
words in the boxes below.
background bibliography body
definition methodology
data recommendations
Which alternative energies are the most C. Look at an excerpt from the background
efficient for Andalucía?
section of the research paper and how the
journal is referenced in the bibliography.
1. Thesis statement – With fossil fuels in
danger of depletion within the next Spain has been developing its use of wind
century, alternative energies need to be and solar power; however, in order for smart
brought to the forefront of government grids to monitor efficiency over a larger area,
research. On the southern Spanish coast, further innovation in digital technology is
more money needs to be provided to required (Child, et al, 2019).
further develop wind and solar power
Child, M., Kemfert, C., Bogdanov, D. and
2. a of alternative energies Breyer, C. Flexible electricity generation, grid
3. Research b exchange and storage for the transition to
a 100% renewable energy system in Europe
Renewable Energy (2019: 139: 80–101)
4. d of the study
5. Presentation and analysis of
e 1. In the excerpt, how does the writer show the
information comes from a source written by a
Conclusion group of people?
6. Analytical f of data 2. What do you think the three numbers
mean after the name of the journal in the
7. Thesis reworded
8. g
h D. Imagine you have done some research to
answer the following question.
Is the climate emergency a myth?
• Write your research paper outline.
• Write your thesis statement.
• Find and reference an appropriate quote.