Page 39 - Grasp English C1 (Student Book)
P. 39
Nature 3
A. Complete the adverbial phrases in this dialogue
with conjunctions. Sometimes more than one
Adverbial clauses of reason
answer is possible.
These tell the reasons for an action. They follow
conjunctions, such as so, so that, etc.
Kevin I see the council are planning to build
some houses 1 the
Take a sandwich with you, so (that) you don’t get bridge on Station Road crosses the river.
Ruth Really? But that area floods all the time. It
floods 2 it rains heavily!
Remember the heavy rain we had last
year 3 we got back from
Think of two conjunctions which could complete our holiday? The fields were almost as
each adverbial clause. deep in water 4 our local
swimming pool!
1. I’m tired, I haven’t done
much today. Kevin I guess they will put defences in place
5 the water gets
2. I get home, I will make
dinner. channelled down the river. For example,
6 they build an
3. I have a terrible headache! I feel embankment beside the river, it won’t
someone is hitting my flood.
head with a hammer!
Ruth They will have to, 7 those
houses will keep getting flooded. But
channelling the water down the river isn’t
ideal 8 you ask me.
Kevin Why not?
Ruth Well, 9 you channel the
water down the river, then that’s fine for
our town. The water will flow away from
the town quickly, 10
the channel is deep and fast, and water
isn’t spreading over the fields any more.
However, 11 it solves the
problem here, it makes things worse for the
next village down the river.
Kevin Oh, I see what you mean.
12 all the water flows
quickly out of this town, the next village will
get the full force of the flood.
Ruth That’s right. But the council will keep
building houses 13 these
problems will never happen! It’s very short-
sighted of them. They should think about
the long-term environmental costs of their
actions. That’s much more important
14 short-term economic