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Is there an international sign language?
Just as there are thousands of languages spoken As well as the similarities in vocabulary, International
around the world there are currently thought to be Sign also uses the one-handed fingerspelling of the
142 different sign languages, used by deaf and alphabet, which is found in American Sign Language
hearing people to communicate. and a number of European sign languages.
There are sign language interpreters: people who So, why has International Sign become such an
know two or more sign languages and who can effective form of communication when other
read the signs of one person’s language while attempts at an international language, such as
translating and signing in the second language. Esperanto, have failed? Some people believe
However, for international events, there is also a sign it’s because deaf people are naturally better at
language called International Sign (IS). interlingual communication than hearing people,
In 1924, when the first International Games for due to the fact that they have spent their lives
the Deaf (now called the Deaflympics) were making more of an effort to communicate with
held in Paris, athletes and spectators from nine those around them. Another reason is that many
countries participated. At the time, a pidgin form signs use very clear role play to show meaning –
of International Sign was used, as people fulfilled signs tend to be unambiguous, which helps with
the need to communicate, rather than producing communication across linguistic barriers.
complex language. Since then, a more formalised However, one of the drawbacks of International Sign
version of International Sign has been devised, with is that it is largely based on western sign languages,
a structured grammar system and standardised and people with an African or Asian sign language
vocabulary. sometimes find it trickier to understand and follow.
International Sign largely borrows its vocabulary In fact, despite being an international language,
from other sign languages, with only 2% of its International Sign is largely used by North American
words being unique to International Sign. This and European signers, and there are fears that
standardised vocabulary was agreed in 1973 and this will further undermine the creation of a truly
has since been used at international events such international sign language as it will continue to be
as the Deaflympics and Miss and Mister Deaf World. developed on a handful of geographically similar
sign languages.