Page 22 - Ones and Zeros 1 (Workbook)
P. 22

1               Glossary

            Address bar is where you type the                      Internet browser is an app which
            address of a website to visit it.                      allows us to search the internet.

            App (short for Application) is                         Keyboard is the part of a computer

            a programme we use to work on                          we use to type letters and numbers.
            a computer.                                            Menu is a list of things we can do

            Backspace is the key you use to                        in an app.

            delete letters, numbers, and words.                    Mouse is the part of the computer
            Canvas is the part of the Microsoft                    which controls the cursor.

            Paint app in which you draw.                           Password is a set of letters,

            Caps Lock is a key which can make                      numbers, or symbols we use to
            a letter uppercase.                                    protect our information.

            Cell is a box in a spreadsheet grid.                   Ribbon is a collection of menus.

            Click is when you press and release                    Save is what we do to store our data.
            a mouse button.                                        Screen is the part of the computer we

            Cursor is the arrow or pointing hand                   use to see our work.

            that moves on the screen when we                       Spreadsheet is a computer file that
            move our mouse.                                        has a grid of columns and rows.

            Data is the information we type into                   Title bar is the place of a browser

            a computer.                                            that shows us the name of
            Double-click is two fast clicks.                       a webpage.

            Edit means to correct a letter,                        Toolbar is a display of tools called

            number, or word in a text.                             icons, which help us use an app.

            File is the data we save.                              URL (short for Uniform Resource

            Font is the way a letter could look                    Locator) is the address of a website.
            like.                                                  Webpage is a page on the internet.

            Graph is a picture of values.                          Website is a collection of webpages.

            Internet is a network of technologies
            all over the world.

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