Page 5 - Science Tour 2
P. 5
Critical thinking Keywords Interact Pages
What is the life cycle root, stem, A plant Lesson 1
of plants? nutrients, experiment 1-6
soil, absorb
What natural animal
ability or talent mammals, reptiles, classification Lesson 2
would be useful camouflage, blend collage 7-12
in humans? Why?
Which organ is lungs, heart, Heartbeat Lesson 3
the most important? liver, kidneys check 13-18
Why don't we feel axis, revolve, around Lesson 4
the Earth moving? shine, reflect 19-24
the Sun
How is Mercury different solar system, The solar system Lesson 5
from Neptune? planets, gas, orbit model 25-30
Can a gas turn matter, solid, solid into liquid Lesson 6
into a liquid? liquid, evaporate and gas 31-36
Can you go one day attract, north pole, Sorting Lesson 7
without using magnets? south pole, repel objects 37- 42
What was life like electricity, battery Build a Lesson 8
before electricity? circuit, wire, bulb simple circuit 43- 48
How are images visible, natural, Make a Lesson 9
reflected on water? artificial, reflect rainbow 49-54
How can we polluted, waste, Lesson 10
eliminate pollution? sewage, poisonous, Recycling 55-60