Page 7 - Key to Social Studies 4
P. 7

Let’s              Let’s Connect        Let’s Think                Let’s Do          Home             Pages
           Observe                                                                              Connection
           King Menes and     Ancient Egypt        How did the ancient        Building          King Menes       48–57
           King Djoser        versus modern        Egyptian civilization affect   timelines     video
                              Egypt                modern Egypt?


           The Olympic        Ancient Greece       Achievements of the        Ancient Egypt     Ancient Greek    62–71
           Games in ancient  versus modern         Greek civilization         and ancient       civilization
           Greece             Greece                                          Greece            video
           The ancient
           Greek theater

           Sumerian versus    The Mesopotamian  Egyptian civilization versus  Designing an      Life in          72–81
           Egyptian writings  area in the past     Sumerian civilization      advertisement     Mesopotamia
           and language       versus the present                                                video


           Countries under    Governments in       With or without            Types of          Types of         86–95
           different types of   ancient history    a government?!             government        government
           government         versus today                                    comparison        video

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