Page 139 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 139

Let’s Learn More

            What Is Jamestown?

 Were the Spanish and Portuguese the Only Europeans to Explore the Americas?  • In 1606 C.E., the British decided to send explorers to the Americas to attempt to control new lands there.

 • While the Spanish and Portuguese controlled the exploration of the Americas, other European countries   • King James I of England sent a group of about

 decided to send explorers as well. One of those countries was the Netherlands.  100 people to a place on the banks of a river
              in the area now known as Virginia.
 • The Dutch people of the Netherlands enjoyed one of the highest standards of living in Europe because

 of strong trading activities in other lands.  The Dutch, however, had a problem. They lacked the land   • These English merchant explorers were to

 area that would support the farming and manufacturing necessary for their economy, so they decided   search for treasure. This group of explorers

 to conquer and colonize new lands or to send people to live in and govern another country.  established the  rst British settlement in the
              Americas in 1607 C.E. and named it
 • They sent their expedition to North America to set up colonies. The most important colony was New
              “Jamestown” after the king. This  rst group
 Amsterdam, which today is known as New York City.
              nearly all died from disease, starvation, and          A building in the historic Jamestown, Virginia
 • The French also entered the exploration race and sent their explorers to North America in 1524 C.E.
              con ict with the local Native American
 Multiple countries wanted to win the race for land and wealth.
              population. The second group arrived in 1610 C.E. and the settlement became a town and then the
              capital of the Virginia colony.
 Dutch colonization of the Americas

             Replica of Colonial-era ships
            at Jamestown, Virginia

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