Page 15 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 15

South America

               5   Fill in the blanks.

                   1.  North and South America combined is called the                                    .

                   2.   The                             has the largest amount of water compared to all
                        world rivers.

                   3.   Environmentalists are trying to stop the                                of the Amazon

                   4.  The                          are located on the western coastline of South America.

                   5.                              is located in the Andes region.

                   6.   The Eastern Highlands were formed around the same time as the

                   7.   The Atacama is located between the                                   and the

                   8.                              and                            are two of the main South
                        American exports.

                   9.  The early settlers used the                                to reach North America.

                  10.   The Spanish and the Portuguese signed the Treaty of Tordesillas in

               6   Mark true or false.

                   1.  South America is located in the Western Hemisphere.                           true   false

                   2.  The Atacama Desert receives a lot of rainfall.                                true   false

                   3.   The import substitution policy helped in growing the South
                        American economy.                                                            true   false

                   4.  Brazil has the greatest biodiversity in the world.                            true   false

                   5.   There were no structured civilizations in South America before
                        European colonization.                                                       true   false

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