Page 19 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 19

Let’s Think                                         Let’s Do

              In pairs, brainstorm with your partner about the land and people in North America from what
 What If North America Had Never Been Discovered by the Europeans?
              you know and what you have learned. Draw together a map of the continent of North America,

 The journey of the continent of North America is most de nitely a story to tell, from its physical   including the important physical geography.

 features to its settlers and colonizers. North America’s physical features strongly de ne the

 continent. Which physical features in North America do you think are unique? Why?

 The settlers of North America came from completely di erent backgrounds and the continent’s

 path took centuries to reach what it is today. What do you think would have happened if North

 America had never been discovered by the Europeans?

 Map of North America

                  Let’s Review!

              Describe one major climate region of North America. How might life be di erent

              depending on where you live on the continent of North America?

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