Page 28 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 28

Let’s Observe                                                                                                          Let’s Connect

            Prominent Features in South America                                                                                    South America before vs. after European Colonization

            The Brazilian Jungles                                                                                                  South America before European Colonization

            The Brazilian jungles are known to                                                                                     South America was the home of many civilizations before it was discovered by the Europeans, and some

            have a huge variety of plants and                                                                                      of these civilizations can still be traced to date. For example, Norte Chico, Cañari, and Muisca are
            animals that cannot be found                                                                                           civilizations that lived on agriculture, hunting, and also gold extraction.

            anywhere else, for which it is                                                                                         It is known that settlers of South America were travelers from Eastern Asia who used the Bering Land

            considered to have the greatest                                                                                        Bridge and traveled to North America and then moved south.

            biodiversity in the world.                                                                                             South America after European Colonization

            Brazil has almost 60% of the                                                                                           In 1494, both Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, giving them the right to take

            Amazon Rainforest, which o ers it a                                                                                    possession and control of newly discovered lands. In addition, the Europeans mistreated the natives

            diverse ecosystem.                                                                                                     and imposed their beliefs and cultures on the whole continent.
            Brazil’s jungles have 1,622 di erent

            bird species, 70 of which are just                                                                                                                                     Old illustration of Native Americans and Europeans
                                                           Jungle view from Serra dos Órgãos National Park,
            parrots.                                       Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

            Patagonia Desert

            The Patagonian Desert is Argentina’s

            largest desert extending to around
            673,000  km . It is surrounded by the
            Andes Mountains to the west and

            the Atlantic Ocean to the east.

            A small part of the desert stretches

            into parts of Chile.

                                                           Desert Patagonia, Argentina
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