Page 47 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 47

Theme 1
 Lesson 4  Canada
 Essential Question  America                     Let’s Learn

 What ar
 What are somee some
            Canada is a country located in the northern part of the continent of
 major landforms and water   North America. It is the second-largest country in the world after
 major landforms and water

 bodies of Canada?  Russia. It stretches from the United States in the south to the Arctic
 bodies of Canada?
            Circle in the north, and from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the
 Words to Know
            Paci c Ocean in the west. The capital city is Ottawa. Canada's

 metamorphic  o cial languages are English and French. The Canadian dollar is

 lowland    Canada's o cial currency.
            Canada has a variety of landforms and interesting geography
 trade transactions
            across its vast space. Because of its size, Canada has great variety in
 health care
            its climate. Most regions have very cold and long winters.
            Temperatures are most moderate along the Paci c coast.

                                     Flag of Canada

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