Page 52 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 52

Let’s Observe                                                                                                          Let’s Connect

            Major Provinces in Canada                                                                                              Canada before vs. after European Colonization

            Quebec                                                                                                                 Canada before European Colonization

            Quebec is a unique Canadian province,                                                                                  The area we call today Canada was known to be inhabited by travelers and immigrants from Siberia,

            as it is the second-most populated                                                                                     who used the Bering Land Bridge to cross from Asia to North America 14,000 years ago.

            province and it is the only province with                                                                              Those inhabitants were estimated to reach two million by the time Europeans discovered the area and

            French as its sole o cial language. Its                                                                                started their voyages to North America.

            capital is Quebec City.
                                                                                                                                   Canada after European Colonization
            Quebec shares borders with the United
                                                                                                                                   The French, the Italians, and the British were the  rst to reach the land of what is presently known as
            States, Canadian Ontario, Hudson Bay,
                                                                                                                                   Canada. They colonized the area. Land disputes between farmers and fur traders led to four wars
            and other Canadian provinces.
                                                                                                                                   between 1689 and 1763, which all ended with the British gaining control of Canada, but French
            Most of Quebec’s citizens live in urban                                                                                in uence remains strong even today. Finally, Canada got its independence on July 1, 1867, through the

            areas, especially around Greater                                                                                       British North America Act.

                                                       Quebec City, Quebec
                                                                                                                                   Changing of the guard ceremony on Canada's Parliament Hill
            Ontario is located in the middle of

            Canada, and it has approximately 39%

            of Canada’s population. Its capital is

            Toronto, Canada’s business center. The

            city of Niagara Falls is one of the major

            cities in Ontario and attracts millions of
            tourists each year.

            Ontario is surrounded by the Canadian

            province of Manitoba, the United States,

            and Quebec. Also, the province was

            named after Lake Ontario.

                                                       Toronto, Ontario
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