Page 72 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 72

The United Nations                                                                                                     Protecting Human Rights
                                                                                                                                   • The UN works to ensure that democracy and freedom are applied in member nations.
            Before the United Nations (UN) was formed, there was a similar association called the League of Nations.

            The League of Nations was formed in 1920 after World War I to maintain world peace, but unfortunately it               • The UN protects people worldwide from the bad or wrong treatment of a country’s government by

            did not prevent World War II.                                                                                           applying human rights laws, or basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person.

            Still, the world was in need of an organization to keep world peace, so the president of the US, Franklin D.           Delivering Humanitarian Aid

            Roosevelt, developed the idea of the United Nations in 1942 during World War II. With the alliance, or                 • The UN provides aid, or help and assistance, to countries that su er from natural disasters such as  oods

            unity and partnership, of 51 countries, the United Nations became a formal organization after the war, on               and earthquakes.

            October 24, 1945.                                                                                                      • The UN provides medical support in cases of health emergencies through the World Health Organization

            The major goal of the 193 member nations of the UN is to maintain peace and safety throughout the                       (WHO).

            world, but there are other activities that the organization works to do as well.                                       Providing Continuous Development

            Maintaining International Peace and Security                                                                           • The UN helps end poverty and protect natural resources. It helps provide clean drinking water to rural

            • The UN endeavors to avoid wars and clashes between nations by attempting to help them overcome                        villages or countries that want to improve their water systems.

             problems and settle disputes.                                                                                         • The UN helps countries face climate change and protect people from its e ects as much as they can.

            • The UN sends peacekeeping missions to ensure that laws are followed to secure and protect citizens and               Supporting International Law

             to prevent future con icts.                                                                                           • The UN supports international laws through courts, treaties, or agreements. The Security Council, or the

                                                                                                                                    permanent group of the UN that is responsible for maintaining peace, considers penalties, or

                                                                                                                                    punishments, to impose on a country that does not follow the law.

            UN headquarters in Europe, Vienna, Austria

                                                                                                                                   Workers loading a UN plane with food aid in South Sudan

                                                                                                                                                          United Nations Building in Geneva Switzerland

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