Page 84 - Grasp English C1 (Student Book)
P. 84
6 Medical Scıences
A. In pairs or groups, answer the B. You are going to read a text about the results of a study
questions below. on the effectiveness of acupuncture. Before you read, look
at the bar graph and answer the questions.
1. How could you test whether
acupuncture is an effective 1. How many different treatments were given?
treatment for stress? 2. How often were the patients in the study tested for post-
2. What would you need to do traumatic stress symptoms?
to ensure that your research 3. What were the results of the study?
gives accurate information?
4. What information doesn’t the graph show?
32.5 30.8 27.9 27.9
Post-traumatic-stress symptom level 20 15.6 15.4 20.0 16.7 Symptoms at
start of study
after treatment
Symptoms at
3 month follow-up
Acupuncture Cognitive behavioural therapy No treatment
C. Read the text. Fill in the blanks with one or two words.
The bar chart shows the result of a clinical study on the in the next three months. The cognitive behavioural
effects of acupuncture to relieve post-traumatic stress. therapy group showed a 5 but less
Fifty-eight patients were studied. They were divided dramatic pattern. Symptoms decreased by around a
into three groups, one of which received acupuncture third immediately after treatment, and
as a treatment, another that received another type 6 a little more in the next three
of therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, and a third months. The control group, to whom no treatment
group which received 1 for post- was given, showed a very small 7 in
traumatic stress. The patients were tested for post- symptoms initially, with no further drop.
traumatic stress symptoms before, immediately after The results indicate that acupuncture is effective in
and 2 after the treatment.
relieving stress 8 to receiving no
The results show that the acupuncture patients treatment at all. However, it is difficult to note whether
showed the 3 significant decrease it is more or less effective than other therapies, as the
in post-traumatic stress symptoms both immediately difference between the results for acupuncture and
after and three months after the treatment. The post- cognitive behavioural therapy are small. Moreover,
traumatic stress symptom level halved immediately the graph does not mention which symptoms were
after treatment and dropped 4 measured or how the level is calculated.