Page 24 - Ones and Zeros 3 (Workbook)
P. 24
Resolution is the number of pixels Spam email is an email you haven’t
an image has. asked for. It tries to sell you things or
RGB value is a number that tells us damage your computer.
the colour of a pixel. Strikethrough is when you cross out
‘Shift’ key is the key we use to type words by putting a line through them.
uppercase letters. It is also used for Transition is how you make slides
typing the characters at the top of appear, one after the other.
the keys. This can include a pattern or a
Slide is a page of your presentation. movement effect.
A slide can have text, images, and Typographical error (typo) is a
other objects in it. mistake we may make when
Slideshow is a collection of slides we type.
which can be seen one after WordArt is a special type of text with
the other. its own style.