Page 7 - Key to Social Studies 2
P. 7

Words to                                                                       Home
  Lesson   Big Question  Let’s Learn  Let’s Think Deeper  Let’s Do                                  Pages
 Know                                                                           Connection
 The Ice Age  How did humans  glaciers  About the Ice Age  What important tool did humans  Your Ice Age Style  Ice Age Animals  58–65
 survive the Ice Age?  masses  invent during the Ice Age?  Drawing              Photo Album

 The Future  What do you think life  future  Life in the future  What will happen in the future  Robot Drawing  Owning a Robot  66–73
 will be like in the   replace  because of robots?                              Discussion
 future?  company
 house chores

 Theme 3: Humans and the Environment

 The  How do humans  environment  What is the  What else pollutes the   Polluted Environment  Protecting Yourself  74–81
 Environment  harm the environment?  nature  environment?  environment?  Drawing  from Pollution
 factory                                                                        Discussion

 Reading Time: Our Natural Resources                                                                82–85

 Natural  What does nature   natural resources  What are natural  How do people use natural   Natural Resources  Resources Photo   86–93
 Resources  give us?  fuel  resources?  resources?      Cell Phone Pictures     Album
 wind turbine

 Recycling  How can recycling  litter  Rubbish and litter  How can we be environmentally   Recycle Bins  “Go Green”  94–101
 help keep our   waste  friendly?                       Decoration              Project
 environment clean?   recycle

 Endangered  How can people help   extinct  Why are some   How does losing animals or plants  Endangered  Endangered Plants   102–109
 Animals  endangered animals  habitat  plants and animals  affect humans?  Animals Photo  and Animals
 and Plants  and plants?   endangered  becoming         Collage                 Discussion
 rainforests  extinct?

 Reading Time: Interdependence of Living Things                                                     110–113

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