Page 128 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 128

Let’s Observe                                                                                                          Let’s Connect

            Some Famous Artistic Works of the Renaissance                                                                          Europe during the Renaissance vs. the Present

            Mona Lisa                                                                                                              Europe during the Renaissance

            The woman in the Mona Lisa is actually                                                                                 Italy was the birthplace of the Renaissance; however, the Renaissance spread through all of Europe in

            named Lisa Gherardini, and she was the                                                                                 the 16  century. All aspects of life changed in Europe: art, literature, mathematics, music, politics,
            wife of a man called Francesco del                                                                                     religion, and science. People, artists, and scientists were motivated to know and learn more.

            Giocondo. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa,                                                                              Before the Renaissance, Europeans and their monarchs had a closed eye of the world, but after the

            also known as La Gioconda, on a plank of                                                                               Renaissance, their worldview was changed.

            wood, which makes it one of the very few
                                                                                                                                   Europe in the Present
            paintings made of wood and not canvas.
                                                                                                                                   Europe is considered a very powerful continent. Most of its countries are developed and have strong
            Today, the painting is owned by the                                                                                    economies. Europe is very rich with its art, science, and educational advances that attract people from

            French Government. However, in the 20                                                                                  around the world. As a result, Europe is very culturally diverse, full of many notable buildings, new
            century, the legendary painting was                                                                                    types of art, and recognized ideologies. The European Union also plays a great role in making Europe

            stolen. This grand theft made it very                                                                                  what it is today.
                                                           The Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum, Paris, France
            famous internationally. It became an icon

            when the authorities retrieved it.


            This sculpture is known to be one of the                                                                                View of Florence, Italy

            best sculptures that portrays pain in the

            world. Michelangelo portrays Madonna
            holding Christ’s body in her arms,

            showing all his veins, muscles, and nerves.

            The Pietà is the only work of Michelangelo

            that he wrote his name on.

                                                           The Pietà sculpture at Saint Peter's Basilica in Vatican
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