Page 131 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 131

Let’s Think                                         Let’s Do

              With your classmate, write a six-line paragraph describing three e ects that the Renaissance
 What If the Renaissance Had Not Happened?
              has had on our culture and learning today.

 The Renaissance is most de nitely one of the factors that a ected Europe's development, as it

 in uenced all aspects of life in Europe, including culture, art, literature, architecture, and economy.

 However, it was not an easy task to change all these aspects and open new worldviews for the

 Europeans. What do you think was the Europeans citizens’ reaction to the Renaissance? Why do you
 think so? Do you think the Renaissance was necessary? What do you think would have happened if the

 Renaissance had not happened?

 The Olympic Theatre, Vicenza, Italy

                  Let’s Review!

              How did the Renaissance develop? Why was this an important era?

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