Page 35 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 35

Theme 1
 Lesson 3  The United States of America
 Essential Question  America                     Let’s Learn

 What are somee some
 What ar
            The United States of America is a country located in the continent
 major landforms and   of North America and has diverse geographic areas across its large
 major landforms and

 water bodies of the   extended borders, from Canada to Mexico and beyond.
 water bodies of the
            There are  fty states in America. Washington, DC, a federal district,
 United States?
 United States?  is the country’s capital.

            The United States of America is one of the world’s greatest

            economic and political powers.

            The United States shares the North American continent with two

            other countries: Canada to the north and Mexico to the south.

            The United States is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and

            the Paci c Ocean to the west. The  ftieth state, Hawaii, is located in
            the Paci c Ocean, about 3,976 km from California.

 Words to Know
                                                                   Atlantic Ocean
                        Paci c Ocean
 trail                                               Gulf of Mexico


 service industry

 depression   Map of the United States of America


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