Page 37 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 37

Some Physical Features of the USA  Valleys
                                                                         Death Valley in Eastern California
 The United States has a huge variety of landforms and water bodies. These include mountain ranges,   Death Valley is one of the world’s most famous

 valleys, canyons, or deep, narrow valleys with steep sides and a stream  owing through them, rivers,   valleys. It is the lowest and hottest area in the

 and lakes.  continent of North America. It is very challenging to
            live there. People who visit, especially in the summer,
            are warned to be very careful as they explore the
 The United States has several mountain ranges, including the following:
            area. Napa Valley in California is famous for growing
 • The famous Rocky Mountains extend from New Mexico and Arizona in the south to Idaho and Montana
            grapes and other food products.
 in the north. The Rocky Mountains continue their extension into Canada, where they are called the
 Canadian Rockies. It is the third-longest mountain range in the world, stretching for nearly 4,828 km.
            The Grand Canyon in the United States is very famous as well. It is 446 km long, 29 km wide, and 1.8 km
 The Rocky Mountains o er many places for skiing, hiking, and camping. Many citizens and visitors enjoy
            deep. It is indeed grand, and very beautiful. Some people use donkeys or mules to travel to the bottom of
 outdoor activities in this beautiful mountain range.
            the canyon.
 • The Appalachian Mountains extend over 3,200 km from Canada to the state of Alabama, passing through
 eighteen states. There is a famous walking trail, or path, through these mountains and states. Many
            The Missouri River is the longest in America. The second-longest river is the Mississippi, while the Yukon
 people hike this trail over the course of weeks or months and are very proud of themselves when they
            in Alaska and the Rio Grande are the third and fourth, respectively.
 complete the journey.
 • The Ozark Mountains cover about 120,000 km  in the area between the Appalachian Mountains and the
            The United States has some famous and important lakes.  The Great Lakes are located in northern United
 Rocky Mountains, being the largest area of highlands between them. The Ozark Mountains have many
            States and southern Canada.
 small villages which are famous for a type of unique music.
           • The Great Lakes are  ve lakes that are the largest freshwater systems in the world.
 • Other mountain ranges are the Alaskan Range, the Cascade Range, and the Coastal Range.
                                                                          • The  ve lakes are Lake Huron, Lake

                                                                           Ontario, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, and

 Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado                                    Lake Superior. Some people just think of
                                                                           the word HOMES to remember the  ve


                                                                         • The Great Salt Lake in the state of Utah is

                                                                          the fourth saltiest lake in the world and the

                                                                          largest in the Western Hemisphere. When

                                                                          you swim in the Great Salt Lake, it is very

                                                                          easy to  oat in the water!

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