Page 54 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 54

Let’s Think                                                                                                               Let’s Do

                                                                                                                                     Draw a map of Canada, illustrating the many geographical features of the country.
            Physical Features and Industries in Canada

            Canada’s land is one of the most diversi ed lands in the whole world, and its physical features are very

            di cult to  nd anywhere else. It is argued that unlike many other countries, there are a lot of factors
            that have helped Canada have so much variety. What do you think are these factors? How is Canada

            di erent from the other countries?

            Other than being environmentally friendly, Canada has also cemented its economy among the top

            countries, through a lot of di erent industries. What do you think are the industries that make Canada

            be in this rank? Which do you think is the most important industry? Why?

                                                                                    Map of Canada

                                                                                                                                         Let’s Review!

                                                                                                                                     In a three-line paragraph, describe one landform region of Canada.

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