Page 61 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 61

The Regions of Colombia  The Caribbean Region

 Colombia is the fourth-largest country in South America. It has extended coasts along the Caribbean Sea   • This lowland region occupies the northern part of

 and the Paci c Ocean. It is the second-most populated country in South America. About a third of its   Colombia, running along the country’s northern

 population lives in urban centers.  coast. Contained within it is the mountain range of
             Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
 Colombia has a great diversity of landforms, as well as a varied climate, vegetation, or the plants that are

 found in a particular area, and economy.  • The extended or long coastline of the Caribbean

             region has many cities, including Cartagena, a
 Colombia can be divided into  ve geographical regions.
             famous seaport, or city that is accessible by ships,
 The Andean Region
             and the most famous historical tourist city in the
 • The Andes Mountains extend from the west corner of Colombia to the Caribbean Sea and are divided
             country. Santa Marta, another seaport, is located
 into three parallel chains, or things that are connected and next to each other. The Cordillera Occidental
             northeast of Cartagena.
 is in the west, the Cordillera Oriental is in the east, and the Cordillera Central is in the center. The Andean
            • The Caribbean region is connected with the
 region begins at the border between Colombia and Ecuador.              A beautiful colonial street in Cartagena
             Andean Highlands by two river valleys, the Cauca and Magdalena.
 • Most of the mountain peaks are covered with snow, while the high plateaus and basins have a moderate
            The Paci c Region
 climate that supports life and agriculture.
            • This region runs along the Paci c coastline in the west, with the Cordillera Occidental along its eastern
 • The Magdalena River lies between the Cordillera Central and the Cordillera Oriental.
             side. It includes Colombia’s lowest mountain range—Serranía de Baudó—and the Atrato River, an

             alternate route for the Panama Canal between the Atlantic and the Paci c Oceans.

            The Orinoquía Region
 La Candelaria neighborhood in the center of Bogotá, Andes Mountains
            • This region is located to the east of the Andes and represents around 60% of the total area of Colombia,

             though not many Colombians live there. The region is rich in oil and suitable for cattle ranching.

            • This is mainly a plains region with lush plants and vegetation. The Andes Mountains interrupt the region.

             This mountain range known as Serranía de la Macarena contains  many distinctive and diverse animals

             and plants. It is also famous for the Orinoco River.

            The Amazon Region
            • This region is almost entirely covered with trees from the tropical rainforest of the Amazon and is  lled

             with unique and varied species of birds and animals. The Guaviare River extends through this area,

             providing a natural border between the plains of the region and the Amazon rainforest.

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