Page 65 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 65

Let’s Observe                                Let’s Connect

 Some Major Cities in Colombia  Colombia in the Past vs. the Present

            Colombia in the Past
 Bogotá is not just the capital of Colombia;
            Colombia acted in early civilizations as a pathway from Mesoamerica and the Caribbean to the Andes
 it is the largest city in the country with
            and Amazon Basin, for those who tried to reach South America for its climate and resources.
 almost 7 million people living inside the
            Native Americans, people who lived in the area of South and North America before the European
 city’s borders.
            voyages, lived in the region of present day Colombia around 12,500 B.C.E. This civilization was based
 Before being named Bogotá, the city was
            mainly on hunting tribes, such as the Muisca, Zenú, Quimbaya, and Tairona.
 inhabited by the people of Muisca, who
            Colombia in the Present
 discovered the city and named it Thybzaca
            Gaining its independence in July 1810, Colombia aimed to urbanize, or to build on land in the
 or “old town.”
            countryside so that the area becomes part of a town or city, most of the country and its economy grew
 Later, the Spanish took over the city and
            signi cantly. The agriculture industry shrank, in return of the growth of both the services and the
 announced it as the capital of the New
            manufacturing industries. Colombia is the third most populated country in South America, with almost
 Kingdom of Granada. In August 1819, the
 View of Bogotá  50 million people.
 city became the capital of independent


                                                    Village of the Kogi Indians in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada

 Cartagena was the port city that the

 Spanish used for their trade between their


 Today, Cartagena is the  fth-largest city in

 Colombia, having a population of almost

 one million. Tourism, petrochemicals, and

 maritime industry,  or anything related to
 sea and ships, are its main sources of


 View of Cartagena
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