Page 86 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 86

Let’s Learn More                                                                          What Is the Bretton Woods Agreement?

                                                                                                                                The Bretton Woods Agreement was developed by

                                                                                                                                delegates from 44 countries during a United Nations
            What Is the Di erence between the IMF and the World Bank Group (WBG)?
                                                                                                                                conference held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire,

            • The IMF secures  nancial stability, facilitates international trade, and ensures the stability of                 USA, in 1944. They wished to establish a new

             international exchange rates. The IMF also may provide loans to countries to sustain their economic                international monetary system, the Bretton Woods
             balance. In 2011, Christine Lagarde became the  rst female IMF Managing Director.                                  System, to manage monetary and exchange rates.

            • The World Bank’s main purpose is to support developing countries by providing long-term economic                  This agreement included many  nancial and

             plans that may include technical and  nancial assistance. The World Bank initially helped rebuild the              monetary decisions that helped prevent devaluation

             economies of Western European countries after World War II.                                                        of currencies, promote economic growth, and create

            • The main di erence between these two organizations is that the purpose of the IMF is to stabilize, or to          the IMF and the World Bank Group. While the

             make something solid and secure, the monetary exchange rates used by countries, while the purpose of               Bretton Woods System was dissolved in the 1970s,

             the World Bank is to reduce poverty and promote prosperity.                                                        both the IMF and World Bank have remained strong      Bretton Woods sign, New Hampshire, USA

                                                                                                                                pillars for the exchange of international currencies.

                                                                                                                                                                                                Bretton Woods Monetary Conference, 1944

                                                                               World Bank Group headquarters,
                                                                               Washington DC, USA

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