Page 89 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 89

Let’s Observe                                Let’s Connect

 Some Major International Organizations  The World before vs. after the Creation of International Organizations

            The World before International Organizations
 The International Criminal Police Organization
            Before international organizations existed, a lot of problems and issues were not addressed or were not
 was established to control crime
            taken action against.
 internationally and facilitate communication
            In fact, the  rst international organization formed was the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine,
 between the police worldwide.
            which was established in 1815 especially to ensure the right of the Europeans to navigate the Rhine River
 INTERPOL was formed in 1923 by the name of
            and the surrounding area.
 the International Criminal Police Commission,
            The World after the Creation of International Organizations
 and the name INTERPOL was then announced
            Today, safety, health, education, and many other issues are looked after by big international organizations
 as the o cial name in 1956. INTERPOL has
            that include a lot of countries and states.
 194 member countries, and its headquarters

 is in Lyon, France.  For example, the starvation people su er from in some poor countries is looked after by the United Nations
            and UNICEF, and without these organizations such problems would have been di cult to deal with.
 International Committee of the Red Cross
 INTERPOL headquarters in Lyon, France
                                                   The  ag of the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine
 Three times Nobel Prize winner and one of

 the most popular humanitarian institutions

 worldwide, the ICRC, or the Red Cross, was

 formed in 1863.

 The ICRC was initiated by Henry Dunant,
 whose aim was to provide better medical

 service for soldiers in the battle eld whoever

 they are and wherever they are from. It has

 now a wider scope though, protecting all

 humans’ health and life.

 ICRC headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland
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