Page 101 - Grasp English B1+ (Student Book)
P. 101

Expectations                  8

                                                                E.  Complete the questions with the words in the boxes
                                                                   from the text.

                                                                       bullied     complain about     goals

                                                                     heading off   sleeping rough     sucks

                                                                   1. Have you set yourself any              for this
                                                                     year? Are they related to school, your hobbies, or
                                                                     something else?
                                                                   2. If you saw someone               , would you
                                                                     give them some money? Why/Why not?
                                                                   3. If you thought a friend was being           ,
                                                                     what would you do?
                                                                   4. Where are you                to after class
                                                                   5. What’s something that really             about
                                                                     being a teenager?
                                                                   6. What do people your age               ? Do you
                                                                     feel the same way?

                                                                F.  Write a letter to yourself five or ten years in the future.
                                                                   Start with Dear FutureMe, and sign the letter with
                                                                   your age.

                                                                G.  Complete the questions with the words from exercise B
                                                                   on page 97 and discuss them with a partner.

                 D.  Answer the questions.                         1. What’s something you’ve done which you feel
                   1. Why does fifteen-year-old me think
                      they won’t be a professional athlete?        2. Is it common for              relatives to live
                                                                     with their family in your culture?
                   2. What advice does fourteen-year-old
                                                                   3. Would you say you’re a               person,
                      me give FutureMe?
                                                                     or are you quite outgoing?
                   3. Why does thirteen-year-old me say
                      they don’t have any advice for               4. If you feel              before you have to do
                      FutureMe?                                      something, what do you do to relax?

                   4. Which letter was delivered the               5. Do you find it easy to be            , or do you
                      quickest?                                      get bored or frustrated when you have to wait for
                   5. Which FutureMe is the oldest when
                      they receive their letter?                   6. Do you think being               helps people
                                                                     do well in life? Why/Why not?
                   6. Do you think the letter-writers sound
                      optimistic about their futures? Why/         7. Are there many                people where you
                      Why not?                                       live or is it easy to find work?
                                                                   8. Are there many                people in your
                                                                     area? Does the local council try to help them?

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