Page 104 - Grasp English B1+ (Student Book)
P. 104
8 Expectations
C. Listen to three friends discussing the future of Grammar 2 Future perfect
education. Which of the ideas from exercise A on
page 101 don’t they mention? A. Match the two halves of each sentence. Do you
agree with these predictions? Why/Why not?
D. Listen again. Match each person with their ideas. 1. By this time tomorrow, I
2. In the next ten years, most people
Fred: Vanessa: Liz:
3. By 2050, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
a. It’s important for young children to spend time 4. By the end of this century, the world’s oceans
a) will have become much cleaner, safer
b. Maths and physics will still be important. environments for wildlife.
c. People will use their phones to find out about b) will have disappeared.
c) will have eaten three things from plastic
d. Students probably won’t use books in the future. packaging.
e. Students will be more likely to study from home. d) will have stopped using single-use plastics.
f. Students will still study a variety of subjects.
g. Teachers will still be a part of education, but B. Choose the correct option.
their role might change.
1. We use the future perfect
h. There will be more use of virtual reality in a) only to talk about things which will have
happened in a distant future.
b) to talk about things which will have
E. Look at the phrases in the Everyday English Box.
happened at any particular point in the
1. Which ones are used when you believe future.
something will definitely happen?
2. Which are used when you think something 2. We use the future perfect
definitely won’t happen? a) to talk about finished actions at a future
3. How is the phrase It’s virtually impossible that… point in time.
used in the recording? b) to talk about actions in progress at a future
4. Which of the phrases means the same as point in time.
I don’t think?
5. How could you change the phrase It’s highly
likely to say you think something won’t happen?
6. What difference do you notice in these two
a) Teachers are bound to be just as important
in the future.
b) Technology is bound to play a bigger role
in education in the future.
F. What changes do you think will take place in your
area in the next fifty years? Write a dialogue with
a partner, using the phrases from the Everyday
English Box.