Page 115 - Key to Social Studies 5
P. 115

The Middle East has

               always had a bit of

               controversy, as some

               nations are involved in


               organizations, peace

               treaties, and international

               agreements, while there

               are other nations that are

               enclosed and are known

               for their extreme views

               and beliefs.

                                                                                       Another reason for the

                                                                                       world’s focus on the Middle

                                                                                       East is that its land is rich with

                                                                                       oil. The abundance of oil in

                                                                                       the area has caused a lot of

                                                                                       con icts, as some countries

                                                                                       fought to have full control

                                                                                       over it, and others sold the oil

                                                                                       and made a living from its

                                                                                       trade without con icts with

                                                                                       other nations.

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