Page 4 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 4

Theme 1: America
                                 Essential             Words to                                Let’s Learn
                  Lesson                                                    Let’s Learn
                                 Question              Know                                    More
             1    North          Where is North        cordillera           Physical           What are some
                  America        America?              sierra               regions of         of the climate zones
                                                       volcanoes            North America      of North America?
                                                       magma                                   What are some
                                                       earthquakes                             major income
                                                                                               sources of North

             2    South          Where is South        isthmus              Physical           What are some
                  America        America?              swath                features of        climate areas of
                                                       basin                South America      South America?
                                                       deforestation                           South America’s
                                                       geologic                                economy
                                                       import substitution

             3    The United     What are some         canyon               Physical           Why is the United
                  States of      major landforms and   trail                features of        States divided into
                  America        water bodies of       temperate            the USA            regions?
                                 the United States?    service industry                        What are some
                                                       depression                              major areas of the
                                                                                               economy of the
                                                                                               United States?

             4    Canada         What are some         metamorphic          Physical           What is the climate
                                 major landforms       lowland              features of        of Canada like?
                                 and water bodies of   cliff                Canada             What are some main
                                 Canada?               trade transactions                      sources of income
                                                       health care                             of Canada?

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