Page 7 - Key to Social Studies 6
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                           Let’s Connect        Let’s Think                 Let’s Do                         Pages
            Observe                                                                          Connection
            Some major     Colombia in the      Colombia’s location and     Map of           Reviewing the   56–67
            cities in      past vs. the present  regions                    Colombia         importance
            Colombia                                                                         of Colombia
                                                                                             and its
                                                                                             location and

            Some major     The world before     The role of the UN in       UN member        Reviewing the   68–79
            bodies of the   vs. after the       ensuring world peace        nations          UN flag and
            UN             formation of the                                 project          discussing the
                           United Nations                                                    formation
                                                                                             of the UN

            Some major     The world before     Why does the world need     A trade          Discussing the   80–91
            international   vs. after the creation   international organizations? session    importance of
            organizations  of international                                                  UNICEF and
                           organizations                                                     the WHO as
                                                                                             well as the
                                                                                             Bretton Woods

            Some            The Americas in     First settlers and European  Writing about   Discussing how  92–103
            Mesoamerican  the past vs. today    invaders in the Americas    the different    civilizations
            civilizations                                                   early regions    begin and how
                                                                            created by the   the first settlers
                                                                            first settlers of  entered the
                                                                            the Americas     Americas

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