Page 6 - Key to Social Studies 6
P. 6

Essential             Words to                                Let’s Learn
                  Lesson                                                    Let’s Learn
                                 Question              Know                                    More
             5    Colombia       What are some         vegetation           Colombia’s         What is the climate

                                 major landforms       chains               geographical       of Colombia like?
                                 of Colombia?          seaport              regions            What are the main
                                                       shipbuilding                            sources of income
                                                       maritime                                of Colombia?

                                               Theme 2:  International Relations

             6    The United     What is the           headquarters         About the          How does the United
                  Nations (UN) United Nations?         alliance             United             Nations perform its
                                                       human rights         Nations            tasks?
                                                       Security Council                        What does the UN
                                                       penalties                               flag look like?

             7    International   What is the          advocate             Famous             What is the
                  Organizations importance of          nutrition            international      difference between
                                 international         sanitation           organizations      the IMF and the
                                 organizations?        exchange rates                          World Bank Group
                                                       attainable                              (WBG)?
                                                                                               What is the Bretton
                                                                                               Woods Agreement?

                                                        Theme 3: History

             8    Early History  How did life start    complex              Agricultural       What did the
                  of the         in the Americas?      frigid               revolution         historians name
                  Americas                             sparsely populated                      the early Central
                                                       meso                                    American
                                                       archeologist                            civilizations?
                                                                                               What was the
                                                                                               first civilization of

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